Published 17 September 2024

A wealth of research studies show that silk proteins can have incomparable health benefits to the human body and are widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.


It is proven that using silk for bedding and clothing prevents allergies - silk is actually hypoallergenic. The sericin residue in silk is a natural repellent that keeps away dust mites, mould, bacteria and other common allergens. For this reason, not many people are allergic to silk, which makes it very wearable for just about everyone.

It’s the ideal choice for those with particularly sensitive skin, as it’s free of any potentially irritating added chemicals so it can be worn safely in the knowledge that there’s no risk of causing an eczema flare up, skin rashes or that dreaded stuffy nose that allergy sufferers are all too familiar with.

Some people suffer from multiple allergies or sensitive skin, making it difficult to find clothing or sheets that work for them. A night in bed can leave rashes all over the body with no end in sight. Common materials not only evoke allergy symptoms, but they exacerbate them, turning what should be a relaxing sleep into one filled with itches and scratches – a real nightmare.

However, silk can be your best hypoallergenic solution to skin sensitivity and allergies. Its natural properties benefit all; even its makers – the silkworms – weave their cocoons into safety shields against the dust mites. The proteins in silk repel these microscopic critters, which, coincidentally, are among the leading causes of human allergies. Alongside this, silk’s long and smooth fibres do not irritate the skin, preventing allergic reactions while letting you sleep peacefully, just as you deserve.


Silk Clothing Helps with Eczema and Asthma. In most cases of atopic dermatitis, lifestyle changes have to be done to accommodate the necessities of sensitive skin. While various creams and other topical treatments may be used to treat mild to severe cases of eczema, what eczema sufferers are exposed to can still affect the entire treatment process.

Because of its natural protein structure, silk is known for its hypoallergenic properties, making it compatible with all skin types. Its dense fabric structure prevents dust and mites from accumulating, which in turn protects the wearer from day-to-day allergens.

While some individuals might be allergic to other natural materials (like goose and duck feathers), silk has shown to be more compatible with even the worst cases of skin allergy because of its 100% organic origin.

Another of its great features: silk prevents the build-up of soil, dirt, and other microscopic foreign bodies that may trigger an allergy, especially in people with eczema. Thanks to these healing properties, silk is an excellent alternative to usual cotton active and nightwear.

Aside from eczema, silk’s hypoallergenic quality can help treat people with asthma. Among the triggers of asthma are bed bugs and droppings that can affect your quality of sleep – but these microscopic items would not stand a chance against silk’s compact structure.


Silk is a popular choice for nightwear, and a recent study shows that there is more reason to opt for silk during downtime. Not only does it make you feel nice and smooth while you sleep, but it can also stave off recurring infections in women.

In a study conducted by the University of Bologna, women who were experiencing recurrent vaginal thrush were asked to swap their usual cotton-made underwear for treated silk ones, while the other half of the group continued to wear cotton underwear. After six months, researchers found that the group that was wearing silk had been cured of the infection. The recurrence was halved, and the symptoms were significantly reduced.

The Candida albicans – the yeast causing the common fungal infection in women – thrives in warm and damp environments. While cotton does nothing to help this, the moisture-absorption capability of silk eliminates the environment for the yeast to thrive.


Silk slows down the ageing process. Silk amino acids, a natural nutrient found in the fabric, have been found to reduce specific signs of ageing, such as wrinkles.

There has been a wealth of research into the cosmetic applications of silk, showing that sleeping in silk bedding can actually prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as the general wearing out of the human body. The natural cellular albumen found in silk helps to speed up the metabolism of body cells, ensuring that they’re turning over and replenishing at a faster rate which in turn leads to healthier body and plumper skin.

Silk is now recognized as a natural anti-ageing product in the form of towels, bedding and pillowcases. Dermatologists attest to silk’s ability to slow down visible signs of ageing and revitalize the human skin even after a short night’s rest.

While cotton and polyester material withdraw moisture from the skin through a night’s sleep, silk can replenish and maintain this very moisture necessary for keeping a youthful, vibrant skin. Because it is a natural material packed with essential amino acids and natural protein, silk tricks the nervous system into relaxing; therefore, smoothing out the wrinkles we develop through age.

With albumen, a naturally occurring chemical in silk, the skin’s metabolism speeds up, allowing dead skin cells to repair at a much faster rate. Over time, the long-term use of silk will drastically improve the skin’s appearance, significantly slowing down the effects of ageing. Think of it as an invisible night cream applied to your face every single night.


Silk can actually help to reduce one of the most common and uncomfortable symptoms of menopause – hot flushes. As women age, the natural fluctuation of hormones combined with a lower heat threshold can often cause sudden warmth in the body, but silk can help to counteract this.

Silk is a lightweight and breathable material that is a natural heat regulator, meaning that sleeping in silk pyjamas or bedding is not only comfortable but cooler, too. Its ability to maintain a cool and consistent temperature throughout the night can help to reduce excessive sweating and therefore slow down the unwanted hot flushes.


Silk can actually promote healthier, shinier hair. It’s now commonly recognised that sleeping on a silk pillowcase can prevent the risks of hair tangling in the night, which can often lead to breakage as a result. The soft texture of silk allows the hair to slide rather than tangle and knot together, far reducing the damage that can be caused over time.

Further to that, if you’re looking to maintain your hairstyle during the night, it’s widely recommended to sleep in a silk head wrap or scarf. According to research, this can slow down the increase of oils in the hair, so you can get another few days out of your style.


Suffering with dry, dehydrated skin? Silk is your answer. We’re not saying to ditch the moisturiser just yet, but sleeping in silk bedding can help to keep skin hydrated during the night.

Made with tightly woven, smooth fibres, the properties of silk allow it to keep moisture close to the skin, so you’re not losing that well needed hydration as you would by sleeping on cotton. This also brings it back to reversing the signs of ageing – happy, hydrated and plumper skin means less wrinkles!



Evidence shows that sleeping in silk bedding can in fact improve your sleep – and we all know that a good night’s sleep affects almost every aspect of your life.

Silk, a natural material blessed with sheen and softness, can also regulate body temperature and control moisture even in changing climates. This makes silk an excellent sleep companion that will surely enhance the quality of your night-time slumbers. The softness of the material coaxes your nervous system into relaxing, allowing you to achieve the full cycle of sleep necessary.


In ancient China, silk has been the go-to material for curing chronic pains. In fact, silk is still the standard fabric used for homes for the elderly, and physical development centres. Silk's comfort can easily remedy anything from muscle aches to joint pains. It imposes negligible pressure on the human body and follows the natural contours and movement of its user, giving anyone who uses it a full night’s sleep.

While it may not be the most affordable choice in the market, silk provides the most value. And besides, why shouldn’t you invest in your sleeping wear, bed sheets, and other items? You don’t have to book a hotel to experience a luxurious lifestyle; choose silk and experience it everywhere.




Silk fibres are one of the strongest natural textile fibres in the world. This means that silk is incredibly durable, so when properly cared for, you can expect your silk pillowcases and bedding to last up to 20 years. We’d say that’s a pretty worthwhile long-term investment!

I can testify that in my personal case, I still use silks which I bought some 25-30 years ago, and these still serve me, with a few exceptions, which happened because in the beginning I was just learning how to handle silk care and maintenance.